First Aid Courses
First Aid Courses
No matter how safe your workplace is or how well your risks are managed, accidents can still happen. Employees may be injured or taken ill at work and will require adequate and appropriate attention. Approved training is the only way to empower your team members to take the correct actions and appropriate measures should anyone become a casualty.
How can we help?
The purpose of first aid is to ensure that the injured or ill person has the best chance of recuperation until medical assistance is available. The first aider will attempt to limit the deterioration of the condition of the injured or ill person and, where possible, promote their recovery. Our approved training courses can be delivered at your own place of work or we can provide courses at a suitable training location. Our approved first aid at work training courses include:
- First Aid at Work (3 days)
- Emergency First Aid at Work (1 day)
- Paediatric First Aid (2 days)
- Activity First Aid (2 days)
- First Aid at Work Requalification (2 days)
- Half Day Refresher First Aid Course
In addition to serious injuries, the first aider will also be available to treat injuries that would not normally require outside medical assistance, such as minor cuts.
Who do you need to provide First Aid to?
By law you only have to provide first aid to employees and this includes people undertaking work experience or on training schemes. In many cases a business will choose to provide first aid to non-employees, eg contractors, customers and the general public too.
For further information about Active Fire Management’s fire risk assessment, fire consultancy and fire training services please email
1. Activity First Aid (2 days)